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Pro’s and Con’s of Owning a Furnished Rental Property

Property owners often have to decide what perks they will offer their tenants. FOr many years, utilities-included rental options were a competitive advantage.  However, nowadays, additional specialized markets have arisen to address more specific renter needs, so property owners must adapt and continue to offer better services that fit according to the new market needs.…

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Is Your Rental Property a Potential Hazard To Your Tenants?

Keeping your tenants safe and comfortable in your rental property is critical to your responsibility as a landlord. However, there is a possibility of them encountering hazardous conditions if you don’t take the necessary precautions to avoid them well in advance. To ensure that your property is not a hazard to its occupants, you as…

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How To Attract Tenants In a Tough Rental Market

You’ve read the headlines – we are amid a mass tenant exodus. The Covid-19 pandemic and its economic consequences have forced people all across the country to pack up and vacate in the hopes of securing a more affordable housing solution. The rental market is tough, and those left with empty properties are undoubtedly feeling…

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Why You Should Fill Your Vacant Property

As a property owner, the financial rewards can be extremely beneficial. However, at the same time, you may be a landlord, and as a landlord, sometimes you’ll experience a vacant unit. One tenant may leave before you find another replacement. While this is a regular occurrence, it’s obviously best to fill your vacancies as quickly…

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How to Find Tenants Quickly for Your South Bay Rental Properties

One of the most difficult parts about owning a rental property or rental home is finding tenants. Often your property will sit unoccupied for months, costing you thousands in expenses and lost income. Here are a few ways to quickly find new tenants for your rental properties from Harbor Property Management, the best property management…

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4 Expert Tips For Choosing a Reliable Property Manager

Your rental property is an asset that requires proactive and professional management to protect it adequately. You wouldn’t let your neighbor’s friend manage your stock portfolio — unless she was an actual portfolio manager. Likewise, your property demands a licensed, experienced investment property manager who is responsive and transparent. Choosing the right property manager can…

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Why You Need a Long Beach Property Manager

Owning a rental property can be a rewarding experience, as it often generates a steady income. However, a rental property only generates revenue when a landlord has good tenants who pay their rent on time and take good care of their units.  Using a professional property management company in Long Beach has several advantages for…

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Find The Right Tenants With Long Beach Property Managers

Your property is valuable, and of course, you’ll want to find tenants who will take care of the place as if it were their own. However, what do you do when screening tenants to ensure you get only the best? Using a property manager can make your life a whole lot easier and ensure you…

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What To Look For In a Property Manager

Selecting a property manager is a big decision that will have a long-lasting impact on your real estate investments. A good property manager is worth their weight in rent money and can make your life a whole lot easier.  If you’re new to real estate, you know there’s much to learn about the business –…

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Are Property Management Companies Worth The Money?

Purchasing rental properties is one way for investors to build wealth. Some property owners manage their own rental properties, while others hire a property manager. It’s important to note that one of the most critical attributes needed for an investment property owner is management skills.  Being a good manager of a single or multiple properties…

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