1 (833) 408-5472

Maintenance line for after hours.

Looking For A Team In Your Area That Can Help You Manage Your Properties?

If you have been looking for a team of experts in the rental business field that can help you manage your properties like it’s theirs, you have now come to the right place. Harbor Property Management is here to make your rental business run smoothly. 

We are a Property Management Company in Torrance, CA, and have been helping property owners for over 20 years. Our highly experienced bilingual staff will take care of your property management like no other would. 

Harbor Property Management comes right into play if you have more than one property or live far away from them and need to make sure they are managed effectively and reliably. 

Not Interested In Hands-on Management Or Find Yourself With Very Limited Time To Manage Your Properties?

At Harbor Property Management, we will make sure that you have zero involvement when it comes to Scheduling Maintenance, Screening Tenants, Performing Service Calls, Handling The Collection Of Rent Payments, Tenants’ Complaints, and Accounting. 

We are a team that also cares about your properties’ safety. Now you no longer need to worry about how to get your properties protected and properly insured as you will get:

  • Complete Rental Protection
  • Complete Eviction Protection 
  • Complete Property Protection 
  • Overall Owner Protection

Easy To Understand Property Management Fees That Don’t Hurt Your Budget

No hidden fees or charges when you can rely on a market-competitive structured payment. Our property management fees surpass our competitors as they focus on eliminating overwhelming multi-layer fee structures. 

Get Off To An Effective Property Management With A Team That Has What It Takes To Get It Done

Managing your properties should no longer be a hassle when you have the assistance of a company with qualified and experienced staff looking forward to helping you. This is where Harbor Property Management stands out to provide the best solution for you. 

Today you can become one of the many satisfied customers that have trusted and worked with us throughout the years because our time and attention are guaranteed. Speak with one of our representatives today to learn more about what we can do for you.