1 (424) 688-9270

Maintenance line for after hours.

Lifting the Renter Experience to a Whole New Level

Harbor Property ManagementOne of our top goals at Harbor Property Management (aside from making money for our owners) is to provide excellent customer service for tenants. But really, while delivering service is important, the experience is also just as critical.

If you think about it — it’s the memory of receiving the service that leaves a lasting impact.

Harbor relies on cutting edge technology to run our business, and we’ve found that it has a profound effect on the service AND experience we deliver to tenants.

Harbor Property Management Supports the Mobile Lifestyle

It’s no secret that most people have adapted a mobile lifestyle. Harbor is no exception. We’ve implemented mobile technologies to make the lives of renters easier.

  1. Online Maintenance Requests – Renters don’t want to plan their maintenance requests around open office hours, especially when issues can arise at all hours of the night. Instead, residents want to do everything from their mobile devices. We use online maintenance requests to keep renters happy, while simultaneously expediting and prioritizing work orders.
  2. Online Rent Payments – Renters expect the convenience of making secure online rent payments. Automatic withdrawals also make late fees are a thing of the past.
  3. The Power Of Email – Providing excellent experiences for our renters requires us to communicate on the platforms that they most often use — and that includes email. Recent studies show that the average adult professional spends 17 hours per week reading their emails. We’ve found that emails are a time and cost-effective way to communicate important messages to all of our renters.

Ensuring High Renter Satisfaction 

Harbor is committed to providing excellent services and experiences. By making use of some convenient technologies, we have made things easier for our renters and our owners. After all, we’re in business to alleviate headaches, streamline processes, and deliver amazing property management experiences in the South Bay and Long Beach areas.

Interested in how we can help you?

Give us a call: 424-373-4697

Harbor Property Management